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A daily feast
A daily feast
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3 juin 2012

Tzatziki Potato Salad

Tzatziki on its own is already a fabulous invention and I don't think I could survive hot summer days without it. When I discovered the recipe of a Tzatziki Potato Salad on the blog Smitten Kitchen http://smittenkitchen.com/2012/05/tzatziki-potato-salad/#more-8541, I thought what a genius idea. I immediately bought all the ingredients and I can tell you, this refreshing salad is as good as it sounds. I served it with smoked salmon.  



Ingredients for 6-8 persons:

4 pounds potatoes (I chose new potatoes)

420 gr full fat greek yogurt

60 gr sour cream

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

1 tablespoon minced fresh dill (I took a bit more, roughly half a bunch)

1 medium garlic clove, minced

1 cucumber, unpeeled but quartered lengthwise, seeds removed

salt, pepper


• In a pot cover your potatoes with cold water and bring them to boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium-high and let the potatoes simmer until tender enough that they can be pierced easily with a slim knife. Small potatoes are done after 30 minutes but the best thing is to check regularly. Once they are cooked, drain them and let them cool completely.

• In a bowl stir yogurt, sour cream, lemon juice, vinegar, dill, garlic, salt and freshly ground black pepper. 

• Grate the cucumber, put it in a mesh sieve and press it down with your hand or a spoon to remove the excess water.

• Once the potatoes are cool, cut into generous chunks. Add to the yogurt and cucumbers, stir to coat. Season to taste. You can eat it immediately or keep it in the fridge for up to three days. I have to warn you, if you try it you will end up eating a generous portion.

